Shalach Manot registration — SRJC HOME


yes! I would like to participate in the congregation wide shalach manot program

We hope this finds you and your family well. Purim begins on Monday, evening March 24, 2024. Thanks to you, our Shalach Manot program of the past three years has been a huge success. This year we are once again offering the same program, and in addition, we are pleased to announce that we will once again be making hospital bags to be donated to local hospitals and rehabilitation facilities. For the same cost of $100, we will automatically send Purim greetings on your behalf to the entire SRJC community, and you will also automatically be included in our hospital fund. No need to send a check. This charge will be included in your Shelter Rock billing statement as 2024 Shalach Manot.

When you participate in our program you will fulfill two of the mitzvot of Purim:
·    Giving gifts of food, as we will donate 200 Shalach Manot bags to local hospitals/rehabilitation facilities.
·    Giving charity, as we plan to donate a portion of the proceeds to:
o  The Anti-Defamation League to help combat the recent rise in Antisemitism. OR/AND FRIENDS OF THE IDF
o  Shelter Rock Jewish Center - Sisterhood will continue to support to our own synagogue.

Please fill in form below by January 19, 2023 to participate and click button to complete.

Finally, please join us on Sunday, February 26 at 10:00 am in the SRJC auditorium as we gather to assemble our hospital bags.

As always, we thank you for your continued support.

SRJC Sisterhood Purim Committee