Honorial Memorial Funds
Click HERE to donate to one of these or our other unrestricted funds
Community Fund To support our community and those in need.
The Abby Early Childhood Center Fund The enrichment and betterment of the Early Childhood Center (by the Dunn & Teitelbaum families in memory of Abby Teitelbaum)
Isabel & Edwin Albom Memorial Fund To provide awards to outstanding SRJC religious school students and/or to provide for the betterment and improvement of the SRJC facilities (by Isabel Albom & family in memory of Ed – a past President)
Steven H Berkowitz Bridging Communities Memorial Fund To contribute to the cost of the community eruv and other joint expenses of both the SRJC and North Hills Orthodox communities.
Children and Families Fund To supplement programs geared for families at SRJC in order to expand the families’ knowledge and participation in Jewish education (by the Hirsch & Hoffman families)
Roger Deutsch Memorial Fund To provide educational scholarships (maximum $750 per year) and/or educational programs (by Theona Deutsch in memory of her husband Roger)
Mimi & Morris Feldman Children’s Fund To provide subsidies for Jewish camp fees and/or Religious School tuition (by the Feldman family in memory of Mimi & Morris)
Eleanor Fox Chesed Fund – to provide funds for food and other services for Shiva houses (a bequest by Eleanor Fox on her passing)
Jack Gruber “Big Heart” Fund to help fund needed projects, events and programs at Shelter Rock Jewish Center, and to help others. (by Roberta & Alan Maskell in memory of Jack Gruber, a man with a large heart)
Joel Helfenbein Education Fund To provide for and/or supplement adult and children’s education programs and for outreach (by the Helfenbein family in memory of Joel)
Richard E Herter Memorial Fund To provide music programs in the Religious School and/or other programs involving the arts at SRJC (by Aileen and Ray Herter on the passing of their son who was a musician)
Manny Horowitz Small Sanctuary Fund To provide for improvements and betterments to the small sanctuary (by Roberta & Alan Maskell in memory of Manny who was at both morning and evening minyanim every day).
Dorothy & Abel Kowalsky Memorial Fund To help fund programs, projects, individuals and families with respect to membership. This includes, but is not limited to the granting of special incentives and assistance to encourage families to join SRJC and participate in its various programs. (by the Kowalsky/Rabinowitz families in memory of Dorothy & Abel)
Abraham Magid Building Beautification Fund To provide money to maintain, repair etc to keep the synagogue facilities in good physical condition (by Sally Magid after the passing of Abe – a former president)
George Nemeth Fund To provide for “Jewish and/or Yiddish” programming (by Lenore Nemeth in memory of her husband who loved Yiddish theater)
Rose & David Rapoport Fund To be used to provide for and supplement education programs such as lectures and Shabbatons and to provide funds for training and development of future synagogue leaders (by Nancy & Steve Goldstein in memory of Nancy’s parents)
The Elizabeth & Jack Rosenthal Jewish Education Fund To encourage families to join the Shelter Rock Jewish Center and to remain loyal as members, the fund will grant scholarships to help make the cost of their children’s Jewish education more attainable and more affordable.
Adeline Roth Teachers’ Education Fund To provide for Early Childhood Center and Religious School teachers continuing education (by Marcia Posner in memory of Irving’s wife, Addy)
Edith & Ernest L Rothschild Education Fund To provide for and/or supplement adult and children’s education programs (by the Rothschild family after the passing of Ernest – a past President)
Ellis Rudman Memorial Fund To help fund synagogue dinners, such as Shabbat dinners, the Sukkot dinner, and the Pre-Passover dinner, as well as to help provide for Torah readers and musical programs/concerts at SRJC. (by Diane Rudman and the Rudman families in memory of Ellis).
Shlefstein Family Fund To provide for and/or supplement adult education programs. (by Julie and Jeff Shlefstein and Marsha Shlefstein)
Grace Turkewitz Memorial Fund To provide for and/or supplement adult and children’s education programs
Weiss Israel Scholarship Fund To provide scholarships for students going to Israel and to promote travel to Israel. Maximum scholarships per year is $4000 (by Selma & Dan and Monica & Lester Weiss to encourage students to go to Israel)
Elizabeth Wasserman Memorial Fund To promote outreach and education to interfaith couples (by Doug in memory of his wife)
Helen Zelman Fund To provide for senior citizen programming and transportation to and from SRJC (by the Zelman family in memory of Helen Zelman)
Rabbi's discretionary fund
Cantor's discretionary fund
President's discretionary fund
Holocaust Scrolls Fund
Yahrtzeit Fund
Donations may be made to any of the above funds in honor or memory of an individual by clicking here or by advising the SRJC office at frontdesk@srjc.org or administrator@srjc.org or 516-741-4305. Minimum donation is $18.
A special fund may be started with a minimum contribution of $2500 and the fund must receive a minimum of $200 per year to maintain it. Click here for form to create a fund. Form to be submitted to Bob Kagan for approval.
All requests for funding a specific program, project or scholarship must be made through a committee chair, on official Honorial/Memorial request forms (Click HERE for application), giving complete details and cost/s and submitted to the SRJC office for Honorial/Memorial Committee approval.
Updated 2/27/2024