Welcome the Kupchiks
Please register below to
join us in welcoming
Rabbi Claudio Kupchik
and his wife,
Ann Laschever.
Limited tickets to this Broadway hit are available at $179/ticket.
Round trip transportation may be available at $50/person. Please indicate in registration if you may be interested.
Registration now closed. Please contact Susan Pavane if interested.
BQLI Woman of Achievement
Click HERE to register for event AND place your ad in honor of Marsha Shlefstein
Registration closed. We look forward to celebrating Marsha!
GOLD PLATE DINNER honoring Joan and Rabbi Cohen
Registration for the Gold Plate Dinner is closed
We are still accepting ads for the Virtual Journal
Please call the office at 516-741-4305 x13 to inquire.
FJMC Man of the Year and Youth of the Year
Support our honorees, Hazzan Larry B. Goller and Evan Spector by clicking HERE to place an ad in the NY Metro Journal.
Ads must be placed no later than May 9.
Friday night Pre-Passover Shabbat Dinner
A Year of Celebration - Honoring Joan and Rabbi Cohen.
Friday, April 19 following services at 6:00 pm.
Our annual Pre-Passover dinner
Please help in planning.
Register HERE no later than FRIDAY, 4/12.
Adults $54
Children $27 (Ages 13 and under)
Family (2 Adults + 2 Children) $144, Add’l Children $18
Catered by Colbeh
Please click HERE to register
Contact the office at 516-741-4305 with any questions.
Let's Make Mandelbread
Don’t forget to bring your own kosher add ins. Nuts, chocolate chips, raisins.
Click HERE to register
Stop the Bleed
Stop the Bleed encourages bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.
REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED. Call the office to join a waiting list
Friday night Shabbat Dinner
A Year of Celebration - Honoring Joan and Rabbi Cohen.
Registration for this dinner is now closed.
Friday, February 2 following services at 6:30 pm.
Catered by Richter Caterers
Please contact the office at 516-741-4305 with any questions.
Sisterhood trip
On Tuesday, November 21 we will meet at the Great Neck Public Library at 159 Bayview Avenue in Great Neck to view an exhibit by our own Marsha Shelfstein on her beautifully knitted scarves. Then will proceed to Cho-sen Village, 505 Middle Neck Road for lunch. $30 will cover both these wonderful excursions. Sign up below, or send your check into the office by 11/17. Contact sisterhood@srjc.org for more information.
Great Neck Public Library, 159 Bayview Avenue
Cho-Sen Village, 505 Middle Neck Road
Annual Sukkot Dinner
We’re back, and better than ever! Please make your reservation promptly for the annual Sukkot dinner on Erev Sukkot – in our beautiful Sukkah. Dinner will follow services, which start at 6:30 pm.
Reservation deadline is Thursday, September 21, 2023.
Please make a check payable to: SRJC Sisterhood and send to the office. You will be billed if you do not pay promptly.
Please contact sisterhood@srjc.org with any questions
Gold Plate Dinner honoring Vivian Leber
To place your ad and register to attend click HERE
Sam Sokol
Haaretz journalist Sam Sokol joins us for a discussion on current Israeli politics.
Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center
In commemoration of Yom HaShoah, please join us for an informative program at the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County, located at the Welwyn Preserve,100 Crescent Beach Road, Glen Cove. The Center’s docents will guide us in small groups through the museum’s six galleries that include multimedia displays, artifacts, archival footage and testimonials from local Survivors and Liberators. The docent led tour will begin promptly at 1:00 pm. If you would like to arrive prior to the museum tour to walk through the Children’s Memorial Garden, please arrive by noon. Program should end approx 2:45 pm.
There is no charge, and reservations are required no later than April 1. For questions, please call Sandy Pensak at 516-458-3307